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How To Become An International And Lifetime DXN Member

​Benefits enjoyed by a Registered DXN Member:
  • Products available at reduced prices, internationally.
  • Eligibility to receive Bonus points (in cash) for own purchases.
  • Eligibility to sponsor new Members, internationally, and receive Bonus on their purchases.
  • Receive Professional guidance and counseling by Experts in DXN.
  • Eligibility to enjoy Free Holiday, around the world - for Self & Family.
  • Eligibility to attend the 'Study sessions and Training Programs' conducted by the Company, worldwide.

Unique Features:
  • Membership is FREE. Life Membership - no renewal required.
  • Internationally valid for all transactions with DXN.
  • Simple formality. Powerful relationship. No hidden conditions.
  • DXN products / services available at over 1000 places in India.
  • Internationally, products / services available in more than 150 countries.

How To Become An International And Lifetime DXN Member

There are 2 ways to become a member in the DXN worldwide opportunity:
Option 1: You can register yourself personally direct to the nearest DXN branches and service centers worldwide.
-At least 18 years of age
-Your sponsor or reference- who refer to you to DXN. Use my sponsor code as your sponsor.
Sponsor/reference name: Emad Galleb
Sponsor/reference code: 819046217
Steps to follow:
1st: Go to the nearest DXN branches and service centers in your area, place or country direct to the counter.
2nd: Tell the counter person that you want to register as DXN member, then wait for the instruction or ask if necessary.
3rd: Fill up the registration form. Fill only the relevant and important information. In the sponsor/reference area, put  Emad Galleb as your sponsor name and 819046217 
as your sponsor code.
4th: Choose the starter package option what is best for you. Starter package vary from country to country. In the Philippines, there are lot of options. Feel free to choose what is best for you. In middle east or UAE particularly, just choose your products with minimum points value requirement of 100pv, worth more or less 300 dirhams depending on the products without extra payment, pay only the amount of products you choose.
5th: Pay the amount to the counter and take your products with you, and don’t forget to ask for receipt and temporary membership card, with membership code written on it
6th: Message me, so that I can welcome you in DXN worldwide family and we can start the first step on how to achieve your dreams with DXN. 
Option 2: You can register ONLINE HERE for free!
Simple steps to follow:
1st: Click the link above
2nd: Fill up the online registration form. Please note, only with asterisk or star sign (*) required to fill up, the rest is optional including beneficiary information.
3rd: Tick the I AGREE at the bottom….then click NEW REGISTER to submit.
4th: Check your email after 2 minutes and confirm.
5th: Message me, so that I can welcome you in DXN worldwide family and we can start the first step on how to achieve your dreams with DXN..

DXN Online Registration

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