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What Is Spirulina—and How Do I Use It?

What Is Spirulina—and How Do I Use It?

Any number of aesthetically pleasing pastel foods — like some mermaid toasts, rainbow ice creams, and even Starbucks' own Unicorn Frappuccino — use spirulina to provide those signature blue and green shades. (Not all of them, though; there's still plenty of good ol' fashioned food coloring out there.)

Related: Can We Please Stop Turning All Our Food into Unicorns?

But spirulina is more than just an Instagrammable color boost to otherwise unremarkable foods. This blue-green algae is a complete protein source. It's also low in fat and sodium and jam-packed with antioxidants. Researchers from the United Kingdom and Greece have suggested that spirulina "may even have anticancer, antiviral, and antiallergic effects."

Although spirulina has obviously gotten the GOOP treatment, it has also been a key part of a program to combat malnutrition in India and has been used as a dietary supplement for NASA astronauts.

Buy It: If you're not being fitted for your space suit, you'll have to acquire your own spirulina, either in tablet or powder form.

Some people mix spirulina powder into their smoothies and shakes, but after trying and failing to down more than one well-blended glass of it, I opted to take my spirulina in capsule form.

It may have been because I knew what to expect (or what I was hoping to expect?), but after a few days of taking 3,000 milligrams of spirulina, I felt more energetic, slept more soundly, and think that maybe even my weekly allergy shots were less itchy afterward.

What I did not expect was the green poop. Because spirulina is rich in chlorophyll — duh, just look at it — your poop will look like you have killed and eaten the Jolly Green Giant. It's not as immediately terrifying as, like, looking into the toilet after you drink beet juice, but it can be a surprise if, like me, you weren't prepared for it.

Regardless, a nutritional supplement has never been more enjoyable than the time I swallowed my spirulina with a mouthful of Unicorn Frosé.

What Are The Health Benefits?

High protein content

Spirulina is made up of 65% protein. This is an extremely amount of protein high for a plant, and one of the reasons it is becoming more and more popular as a supplement. It also contains sources of all nine essential amino acids. It’s an easy, healthy way to boost your protein intake, and a great source of protein for vegetarians. Furthermore, this protein is highly absorbable.

Contains essential fatty acids

Spirulina is especially high in omega 3 fatty acids, and also has a significant amount of omega 6s and omega 9s.

High in chlorophyll

This helps to flush out toxins from the blood. It also helps to boost your immune system.

Source of iron

Spirulina is a fantastic source of iron, meaning it is excellent for women during pregnancy. 100g of spirulina contains 158% of your daily iron requirements.

High in betacarotenoids

Beta carotenoids (antioxidants) help your immune system and help clear your skin.

High in Calcium

Spirulina is also very high in calcium, which means it is excellent for growing children to help their bones and teeth develop. It contains over 26 times the calcium in milk.

Source of many micronutrients

It is also a great source of many other micronutrients, such as vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin D and vitamin A. It is also a source of potassium, chromium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, selenium and zinc.
organic spirulina  

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 spirulina powder
 spirulina protein
 spirulina tablets
 what is spirulina, 

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